Saturday, July 8, 2017

PLE Diagram Reflection


When looking at my PLE I learned that I use several resources to expand my knowledge. It is amazing how technology can create so many connections. Throughout all of the connections, I can curate, create, communicate, and share. When I curate I collect valuable information and sort into themes. I am able to create new ideas. I communicate with others all around the world. I can share with my peers, colleagues, and PLN. My PLE sets me up for success and being a lifelong learner. I do feel like my online communities have expanded dramatically since I started this course. I have added a lot of online communities that I never knew existed. I have learned the value of webinars and live chats, as well as just asking questions in communities. Prior to this course, I didn't know how much I didn't know was out there.

My PLE VS. Kim Johnson's PLE

I noticed that Kim and I have a lot of similarities with our online communities. We both have Twitter, Diigo, Google Plus, YouTube, Moodle, Blogger, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google. We also have the words share and create. Some things that are different is she has Blackboard, QMIDA, Linked-IN, and a camera. She also has the words collect and connect, while I have curate and communicate. Similar concepts, but different words.

My PLE VS. Josh Haine's PLE

Josh and I have quite a few similarities with our content for our PLEs. We both have Google Drive, Blogger, Diigo, Moodle, Facebook, and Twitter. Also, we both have the words communicate and create. The differences in our content are he has Google Docs, Hangouts, a robot icon (I'm not sure what that is for), and Google Slides. He also has the words collaborate and collect, while I have share and curate.

My PLE VS. Ariana Pyburn's PLE

Ariana and I have very similar content. We both have Google Drive, Diigo, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Moodle, and Google Plus. Also, we have the words communicate and create. The differences with our content are Ariana has Google Docs, Google Slides, Wordpress, Digg, and two icons I am not sure what they represent. The blue icon with the letter P, that says paper 11 and a red icon that has a square and circle. I have the words curate and share, while Ariana has the words collect and collaborate.

My PLE VS. Lindsay Hoyt's PLE

Lindsay and I have quite a few similarities and differences in our PLE diagrams content. The similarities include having Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google Drive, Google Plus, Diigo, Blogger, Scoop it, and Pinterest. We both have the words curate, communicate, and create. The differences are Lindsay has Wordpress, Voicethread, Linked-in, Skype, and four icons I am not sure of. She has a home icon, OSL icon, a messenger guy icon, and another W icon. She also has the words connect and reflect, while I have the word share.

My PLE VS. Kristin Castello's PLE

Kristin and I both have quite a few of the same online communities. We both have Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Scoop it, Moodle, and Google Plus. Also, we both use the words create, communicate, and share. The differences that we have is Kristin has Google Slides, PowerPoint, Canva,, Linked-in, and a few icons I am unsure of. Also, Kristin has the word collect, while I use the word curate.

My PLE VS. Kathleen Johnson's PLE

Kathleen and I have quite a few differences with our content in our PLE diagrams. She used the words collecting, reflecting, connecting, and publishing, while I use the words curate, create, communicate, and share. I like that se used the word reflect because I think that is essential with learning. I feel that connecting and communicating is very similar. Kathleen and I both have Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Scoop it, YouTube, Diigo, and Google. I do not have 5 of the icons she used. Two of them I do not recognize.


Looking at 6 of my classmate's PLE diagrams shows to me how much I have no idea about the resources out there. I didn't recognize a lot of the icons on my classmates' diagrams. It is truly eye opening to know that I am not using resources that are available right at my fingertips. After looking at all the diagrams I want to explore what other tools I have available to me. I think it is very important to use resources that will better help my students' learning.

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